Example of a Fungicide Program for Almond

In the past I have typically described a fungicide plan for almonds.  These plans tend to follow a very simple structure and include fungicide rotation, a mixture of generics with multi-mode of action fungicides, and an assumption that it will be a wet year. This year, I utilized mode-of-action fungicides that are common to both the US and EU market. 
It is important to note that the plan covers from early-bloom through the season. Sprays may be skipped based on orchard performance. For example, a delayed dormant boron spray may not be needed if the hull status indicated ample boron and a fall or pink bud spray is being made. Additionally, early bloom sprays can be dropped from the plan if dry conditions persist through bloom (remember: fungi need moisture in order to spread within an orchard and infect the trees). I would strongly encourage, however, the inclusion of the petal fall spray regardless of weather conditions. This timing provides control for nearly all bloom and spring-time diseases. Skipping it may lead to an increase of diseases like botrytis and anthracnose, which seem to spread very easily in warm temperatures.
Late spring and summer diseases are harder to manage. If persistent rain occurs, maintaining spray coverage will be essential to reduce scab, rust, and anthracnose. These diseases tend to spread fast in warm rains common in the spring. In a normal-ish year, a spray in April and May will be sufficient to reduce the occurrence of rust. If managing Alternaria, however, additional sprays may be needed. The use of the Alternaria spray model is an effective tool in helping to reduce unneeded sprays.
DISCLAIMER: As with all suggestions of chemical use - prior to using any product, please read the label for the appropriate rates and to make sure the product can be legally used on almonds where you live. If there is any doubt, please confirm the ability to use with a local expert (such as a pest control advisor). Any use of tradename is not a recommendation of use. It is mentioned just to help identify products within the market. Any fungicides used by you, whether listed in this or other posts, or not, are used at your own risk - and you will be responsible for any and all issues created by their use.

2022 Bloom Considerations


Bloom Sprays: Spray Rig Strategy