2016 Top Ten Articles

Photo sourced from https://www.cesarsway.comWith 2016 coming to a close, here is a quick review of the top ten articles read this past year from “The Almond Doctor.”10. Verticillium wilt of almond (and pistachio). An overview of the disease, symptoms, and management for almond trees. This disease has become more common with increased plantings on land previously cropped to tomatoes and cotton.9. Bacterial spot vs anthracnose vs plant bug. A series of pictures and a table to help identify the symptoms of these diseases or insect damage.8. Postharvest is a good time for boron foliar sprays. A review of some research and considerations when making fall boron applications. 7. Independence almond - some observations. A 2010 article that highlighted some early observations of Independence. This variety is becoming more widely planted with an estimated 200,000 acres in the ground. 6. Almond set and nut drop. Summarizing recent research as well as field observations, this article discusses spur dynamics and the various "drops" of almond fruit.5. 2016 almond bloom considerations. An annual contribution highlighting considerations for the upcoming bloom.4. Proper almond tree planting. An article written by Brent Holtz back in 2010. 3. Fertilizing young almond trees - a few tips. With all of the newer orchards planted the past few years, this article has been read with increased frequency.2. The seasonal patterns of almond production. An article about tree physiology and almond production. One of the first articles written for "The Almond Doctor" back in 2009.1. Nitrogen content in a gallon of UN-32. A short article written in 2010 that provided an answer to a question commonly received. This one was number one last year as well!I would like to thank you all for your support through 2016. We develop many of the ideas for these articles through your requests for visits, phone calls, emails, and comments. I hope you all will have a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017. Here is to the New Year!


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