2014 Top Ten Articles

Following a long standing tradition of developing a "Top 10" list to celebrate the old and bring in the new year, here is a quick review of the top ten articles read this past year from "The Almond Doctor."10. Water Stress, Early Hullsplit, and Kernel Size. Severe water stress from the drought caused an induced hull-split in some blocks across the state. This article explains the impact of this observed phenomenon.9. Nitrogen Content in a Gallon of UAN-32. Title says it all. This 2010 article always ranks high on the list of reads.8. Almond Nitrogen Uptake: Seasonal Perspective. An overview of the uptake pattern of nitrogen and how it is applied to fertilization timing.7. 2014 Almond Bloom Spray Considerations. Quick tips to consider as almond bloom approaches.6. Determining Orchard Water Needs with Yields. An article written to help project the required water use for an almond orchard to aid in water purchases in a drought year.5. Proper Almond Tree Planting. A 2010 article by Brent Holtz that discusses proper almond tree planting. Am informative article that has value with the recent increase in almond plantings.4. Pollen, Bees, R.U.L.E.S. and Almond Bloom. A great article by Franz that discusses bloom time spray considerations when applying pesticides in the presence of honey bees and the impact of various sprays on pollen grains.3. It's the Nut Price, Dummy. Another great article by Franz that discusses the rationale behind the increased plantings. It was the number one read article in 2013.2. Fertilizing Young Almond Trees: A Few Tips. A bit of a shock to see this 2011 article in the second spot. Probably has something to do to the increased plantings of almonds over the past few years.1. Severe Drought Management Recommendations for Almonds. A brief article discussing management (the do's and dont's) of orchards in a drought year.The authors and I would like to thank you for your support through 2014. We develop many of the ideas for these articles through your requests for visits, phone calls, emails, and comments. For 2015, we are hoping to provide an increase in the number of advisors contributing as well as a redeveloped website and layout. I wish you a Happy New Year and hope that many blessings will fall on your family and farm in 2015.


Bacterial Spot of Almond in California: Update on the Disease and Management


Recent Storms and Tree Loss