2013 Top Ten Articles

Following a long standing tradition of developing a "Top 10" list to celebrate the old and bring in the new year, I compiled the top 10 articles read on The Almond Doctor in 2013.10. Sustainable Nutrient Management: A Review. Written by Franz Niederholzer discussing the 4 R's of nutrient management in almond. Includes up-to-date crop removal and mobility data for nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, boron, and zinc.9. Small Nut Size and Early Harvest: Why? David Doll discusses the physiological conditions that led to a small kernel size and early harvest in 2013. A larger write up on this subject was included in the Western Fruit Grower.8. Irrigation Scheduling Part 2: Determining Water Holding Capacity. An oldie, but goodie. Article from 2010 that reinforces the idea that all soils are different when it comes to application of water and nutrients.7. Postharvest Fertilization: Some Q&A. Q&A articles are typically in response to several phone calls received at the office - this one covers some reminders about nutrient management in the postharvest period.6. Bacterial Spot: A New Disease in the San Joaquin Valley. An article contributed by Roger Duncan, Brent Holtz, David Doll, and Themis Michailides that covers the new bacterial disease found in 2013 in the SJV. If the article "Bacterial Spot on Fritz," is considered, this was by the far the most read topic in 2013.5. Fertilizing Young Almond Trees: A Few Tips. An article from 201o that discusses a few "dos and dont'ts" when it comes to fertilizing young almond trees.4. Leaf-footed Plant Bug. Considering how much damage we saw in 2013, this article being the 4th most read was not that surprising. Hopefully, 2014 will not yield the same issue.3. Nitrogen Management for Mature Almonds. Part one in a three two part series discussing the application on N in mature orchards by Fran Niederholzer. A good overview of the current research and recommendations.2. 2013 Harvest is Around the Corner. An overview of harvesting considerations, procedures, and tips.1. It's the Nut Price, Dummy. Franz wrote this article discussing some of the economic factors of planting an almond orchard. It took the top read award for 2013 and probably will be read through 2014 as well.Franz and I would like to thank you all for your support through 2013. We develop many of the ideas for these articles through your requests for visits, phone calls, emails, and comments. We both wish you a Happy New Year, and hope that many blessings will fall on your family and farm for 2014.


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